This is mister Gyarmoczki Pál, who is printing outstanding tshirts. He prepared me a great Bud Spencer tee which u can see in the right corner of this photo. Pál has got his workshop called Pólónyomda Stúdió on Király utca 69. If you're in Budapest find him out & order a print of anybody you want on your t-shirt.
H.G. Esch's photo behind the car's window
Tóth Gábor died here in mysterious circumstances.
right after the funeral: Grandma's & Grandpa's grave.
Miejsca, ludzie, przedmioty. Wszystko czym Budapeszt był i jest dla mnie - jedynie dwa razy w roku / Places, people, things. All that Budapest meant & means to me. Only twice a year when i'm there.